Enrolled versus Credit

Posted: April 19, 2020

Grade 11 and 12 students have the option to have their courses count as a credit or have their course indicated as enrolled on the student transcript. Both ways count toward graduation. There is a Q&A document on this site for more details. Here is the major difference between the 2:

Enrolled: This notation will appear on the transcript denoting that the student was enrolled in a course second semester and the student chose or was not able to do further learning to obtain a credit. All courses listed as enrolled count toward the total number of required graduation courses. 

Credit: This notation will appear on the transcript denoting that a student, as determined by their principal and subject teacher, has met the core curricular components of that course through assigned work and formative feedback from the teacher. There will be no mark assigned.


Benefit of getting a credit vs. enrolled notation

A credit on the transcript will indicate to post secondary institutions that core curricular competencies were met. This may be needed for some post-secondary programs. You will need to do more at-home work for the credit and teachers will need to assess your work to determine if you have enough knowledge to earn the credit. Check with the guidance counselor to make sure you know what courses you need.

All grade 12 students were called last week to determine which courses are being taken as credit.