Posted: April 6, 2020
Due Date:
1. Biweekly journals about this experience. Start off with a “fact” then respond with: I feel… I believe… I think… This can be done in a journal, scribbler, loose-leaf, online blog or word processing document. You may want to share these years from now, as Horace Slughorn from Harry Potter exclaimed, “These are mad times we live in. Mad.” Some of my examples:
Entry #2
March 15
Don’t leave the house unless it is essential. This should be ok since I like staying home and can usually find things to do to keep me occupied. But how long will this last? I am mentally preparing for it to last at least 6 weeks. How long before I get cabin fever? I will set up a routine so that I don’t go bonkers, around the bend (I think Alice in Wonderland said this): every day I will eat only at meals/snack time and try to keep eating like usual…no bad choices, go for a walk once a day – even if for a short one – Monday to Friday, limit my tech time (like FB, online games), spend time creating in my sewing room, touch base every few days with family and friends to check on them, daily house chores (uggh) and spend time with the cats and Trevor.
Entry # 15
March 23
Feeding beside my porch on the tree, I saw and heard my first chickadee of spring.* I felt excited and reminded me to take a moment to enjoy this small pleasure. Spring must be on its way. I also need to remember to put out more seeds…
Feel free to email them to me! I'd love to read them!