Posted: May 10, 2020

Good evening all,

I hope everyone had a good week and a good Mother's Day spent with family. Please feel free to contact me if you have questions about anything, if you need help with academics, your mental health or other.  You can reach me via email lori.johnson@nbed.nb.ca. I frequently check my emails and I will answer ASAP.

This week, we will begin planning our low organized game.  The instruction sheet will be attached below.  You are responsible to do half of the assignment this week and the rest next week, therefore this is a 2 week lesson.  You will concentrate on question 1 to 4 this week on the instruction sheet.  Please organize your game following the listed instructions and please place each section in a word document and label each section.

Enjoy your week! Miss each and everyone one of you!! Hope to see everyone soon! 

Microsoft Office document icon low_organized_game_2020.doc25.5 KB