Ms. Johnson


Posted: October 29, 2020

Hi All,

Today in Media Studies we completed a PP on 'The Power of Social Media'. Following taking notes on this section, we read the story about Kaycie Nicole. You can find the link to this story on TEAMS or the D2L site.  After reading the story, students then went to the D2L site and added a discussion post.  Students will find Discussion topic in TEAMS. Enjoy your weekend!

Posted: October 29, 2020

Good afternoon,

Today in History, we completed the notes on the 'Histoire de l'Égypte'.  The Power point for this section is in TEAMS in Class notebook.  Students then worked on an assignment in TEAMS answering 2 essay questions pertaining to 'Géographie' and 'Histoire'.  THis assignment can be found in the assignment tab in TEAMS.  Enjoy your weekend!

Posted: October 27, 2020

Hi all,

Today we took notes on Internet privacy and trustworthy websites.  A PP was placed in TEAMS- In Class Notebook under the Module 2 Heading. Click the tab Privacy Internet.  

Students are expected to work on their Discussion post 4 which is attached to today's post on TEAMS.  The small group of students who are in the Media AC2 group, you will find your discussion post questions in the Posts under Media AC2.

Have a good day!!

Posted: October 27, 2020

Good morning All,

Today the History class worked on a Geography activity that students can find in TEAMS. This activity is in their class notebook under the Egypt tab.  We also took notes on the Geography of Egypt.  I have placed the PP in their Class Notebook in the Egypt tab.  It is entitled Géographie Égypte PP.

Posted: October 26, 2020

Hi All,

The Media Studies class has been working on TEAMS and D2L since the beginning of the semester.  This class is considered a blended online class because we are doing in class work and online work through the online course set up by the Province on NB. For the last 2 weeks, I have been posting the daily work in TEAMS and students should be checking these daily posts and completing the work assigned.  The daily work sometimes indicates that they are to go to the D2L site and complete the assigned work or it may be an assignment in TEAMS.  

I will be posting what we are doing in class on this page to keep parents and guardians informed, however the work itself will be in TEAMS or on the D2L site for the students. 

Posted: October 26, 2020

Good morning all,

The FIHI 9-10 class has been working on TEAMS since the beginning of the school year.  Students can check in daily for their assigned work.  I will be posting here to inform parents and guardians of daily work being posted in TEAMS.  The documents will not be posted here, this is an information only site.  

The last 2 weeks, we have completed the chapter on Evolution and Mesopotmia. Students will find in TEAMS, daily assigned work and all their notes in the section entitled Class Notebook.  

On Wednesday last week, I posted a test review sheet for students to review and study for their test.

Students were informed via TEAMS on October 22nd that the test would be today in class if schools are open or online if the schools were closed.  

I also had 2 TEAM meetings on Thurday and Friday at 10am where students could log in to the meeting and I would answer questions about the chapter and test review.  These were live meetings.  


Posted: June 8, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde,

J'espère que tout le monde est bien et en bonne santé.  C'est la dernière semaine du 'Home Learning' et vous allez continuer le projet que vous avez commencé la semaine passée.  Si vous voulez me remettre votre projet, vous pouvez me l'envoyer pas courriel et je repasserai votre travail. Étant la dernière semaine, je suis déçue que nous n'avons pas eu la chance de retourner en classe pour terminer le semestre ensemble. Espérons que lautomne nous apporte des bonnes nouvelles et que nous pouvions retourner à l'école et en classe ensemble.  

Passez des belles vacances et amusez-vous bien cet été!

Miss you! 

Posted: June 8, 2020

Good day everyone,

I hope everyone is doing well.  This week is the last week of Home Learning thus ending the weekly posts. This week is the last week to work on your Leadership research project.  You can send it to me via email if you would like me to look it over.  I will attach the instructions below.

I miss you all very much and I am sad that the semester has ended and we were not able to return to in class teaching.  To the graduates, I will miss you all dearly and I hope to see you soon!  To the returning students, we are hoping the fall brings good news and our return to school.  Hope to see you all over the summer! Wishing you all a great summer!!

Miss You!

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Posted: June 1, 2020

Bonjour tout le monde,

J'espère que tout le monde est bien et que vous preniez le temps d'aller dehors pour vous divertir pendant le beau temps.

Cette semaine, vous allez travaillé sur un petit projet sur la 1ère Guerre Mondiale.  Ce projet durera 2 semaines et sera la dernier travail de 'Home Learning' pour cette année.

Vous allez vous servir de Power Point afin de faire ce travail. Vous aller choisir un sujet inclus dans les instructions et vous allez présenter votre sujet. Suivez les instructions sur la feuile de travail.

Je vous souhaite une bonne semaine et du beau temps.  Si vous avez des questions, n'hésitez de me contacter et si vous avez besoin du support, n'hésitez pas de me contacter.

Miss you! 

Posted: June 1, 2020

Good morning all,

Hope everyone is well and enjoying the nice summer weather.  This week you will continue your Leadership project that was started last week.  I will attach the assignment instructions.

Enjoy your day and week. Please contact me if you need help with the work or need support.

Miss you!!

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