Posted: April 26, 2020
Due Date:
English Language Arts Grade 9 Week of April 27, 2020
Hello Grade 9s. Here is your home learning work for this week:
Reading –
You can find the readings in the attachment, or you can go to: and enter the code: YN87DK
1. You will read an article titled “Five Reasons Why Being Kind Makes You Feel Good.” Then answer the questions following the text.
2. You will read an article titled “After the Rain”. Then answer the questions following the text.
Writing –
1. In response to the reading that you did titled, “Five Reasons Why Being Kind Makes You Feel Good”, do an act of kindness for someone (a friend, a family member, a neighbor – maintain social distancing). Then write a journal entry to explain how being kind makes you feel.
2. In response to the poem you read, titled “After the Rain” write a poem about things you notice about spring. Try to use as many of the 5 senses as you can in describing spring.
Please try to read for 30 minutes each day and try to get 30 minutes of physical activity daily as well. Take care of yourselves! We miss you!