Ms. MacAllister

This page is designed to help promote extended learning.

Posted: April 6, 2020

Hello Grade 10 Students


 Please find below a Bingo Card that includes activities for English Language Arts. The activities include skills for reading, writing, speaking and listening. The goal is that each week you try to complete one line (horizontally, vertically or diagonally). In addition, the District is recommending that you should be reading a minimum of 30 minutes a day, and doing 30 minutes of physical activity a day. 


Another option for students is to keep a daily journal. You can use words, pictures, quotes, create a video, etc., that journals your day. Some ideas to journal about include:  How are you feeling? How are you spending your days? What do you miss? Who do you miss? How are you coping with isolation? Have you done any good deeds? Remember you are living history right now.  Documenting these events would be an interesting read to look back on years from now. 




PDF icon bingo_pdf_file.pdf169.37 KB

Posted: April 5, 2020

Weekly Challenge 

Week (1) Can you find 27 different figurative language devices used in this photo?


Image Galleries

Added: Sun, Apr 5 2020


May 4th
Week 4
Week 3 (April 20th to 24th)
ELA Bingo