Ms. C. Harquail Notes

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The following Scholarship/Bursary applications are to be submitted to the Guidance Counselor on or before Thursday, May 27th:

  • New Brunswick Public Colleges Entrance Scholarship 2021
  • Ron MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
  • Thomas Hayes Memorial Scholarship
  • AV Group NB INC. Scholarship

All other scholarships: 

  • Ralph Harrigan Rotary Bursary (submit by May 21st~~by mail or to the guidance counselor)
  • The Donald Hamilton Award, Dalhousie Lions Club (submit by May 31st~~by mail or to the guidance counselor
  • NB Aboriginal Peoples Council Local 18 (submit by May 31st to the Guidance Counselor)
  • Derek Audfroid Memorial Award (submit by May 31st to Lori Johnson)
  • The Catholic Women's League of Canada (submit by June 4th~~ by mail or to the Guidance Counselor)
  • Port of Dalhousie Inc. Scholarship (submit by June 7th~ email to
  • Contendo Training Solutions Bursary (submit by June 12th to the Guidance Counselor)

Also, there are scholarships/busaries that are to be mailed to the donor and not to be given to the schools' guidance counselor. It is important that you read the application carefully so you know where to submit and you do not miss a deadline. As information is received it will be posted under Guidance and my name C. Harquail (EST~Guidance). If you have any concerns see the Guidannce Counselor.

Posted: May 19, 2021

In the attached document, you will find a list of 15 Scholarship Programs that will give out more than 53 Individual Scholarship Awards during the 2021 school year. Students from your school district are eligible for all awards below.

PDF icon scholarship_newsletter_may_17_2021.pdf109.64 KB

The DRHS Course Registration Guide 2021-22 was updated on May 14, 2021. 

New Update~~ Policy 316: Graduation Requirements for a New Brunswick High School Diploma

As of September 2020, grade 10 students will be required to complete 18 credits for graduation in June of 2023, two of which must be Math credits. Numbers, Relations and Functions 10 (NRF) will be considered a credit and will be the pre-requisite for Foundations Math 110 and the Pre-Calculus 110 pathway. Furthermore, grade 10 students wishing to take Financial Workplace Math 110 (FWM 110) will also need to take Financial Workplace Math 120 to graduate in 2023, as the grade 12 FWM will be compulsory for this pathway. Students selecting the FWM pathway are not required to take NRF 10 in grade 10. Depending on scheduling they could opt to take FWM 110 or another grade 11 or 12 course in grade 10 second semester. The grade 11 or 12 course taken in grade 10 will be counted towards credits required for graduation.

Posted: May 17, 2021

Did you know there’s a program offering bursaries for post-secondary studies in French as a second language (FSL) in 26 colleges and universities for your students who want to pursue their studies in French?
Also, discover new videos of 4 young Francophones and Francophiles and start discussions with your students on the importance of speaking French, their relationship to French, or the role of French in their future. A new educational tool made by young people for young people! 
Visit the ACUFC YouTube channel.

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Inspired by our continuous goal to support women aiming to pursue a skilled trades career, New Boots is excited to announce that we will be presenting FIVE $1000 scholarships to female students studying a non-traditional skilled trade pre-employment program in New Brunswick!
• Resident of NB
• Accepted or waitlisted for an eligible non-traditional skilled trades program (Please refer to eligible programs list on the website, link below)
• You have answered the following questions in your essay:
What inspired you to pursue a non-traditional skilled trade?
How will this scholarship help ensure your success in your program?
How do you envision your career path?
To apply for one of these great bursaries, complete an application form and a brief essay. Submit application by mail, email, or on our website. Application forms can be found on our website or from our program administrator at The application deadline is Aug 31st, 2021 and payment will be issued after the program withdrawal date. Please contact us if you have any questions.
Mail: 895 Ashburn Rd, Unit 2, Saint John, NB, E2K 5J9
We would like to thank our 2021 New Boots Sponsors for helping make this possible!
J.D. Irving, Limited , Construction Association of New Brunswick, Government of New Brunswick, Lorneville Mechanical, IBEW Local 37, Lipstick Landscaping, GPMC, NBCC, Shawn's Electric Inc., and Aluma Systems
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Posted: May 11, 2021

  • Oulton College will now be hosting Facebook Lives ( for a few weeks. They will be at 4pm. They last 30minutes and will feature the lead instructor & a career services advisor.
    • Business, TODAY at 4pm
    • Practical Nurse, May 18th at 4pm
  • If you are in need of any presentation, one-on-one meetings, phone calls, etc. before the end of the year, please contact Oulton College or see the high school guidance counselor to make arrangements. 


The Oulton College newletter for May is posted on the guidance center bulletin board. 


Must live within the Village of Belledun, which includes Jacquet River, Mitchell, Archibald, Noel or the Armstrong Brook area.

Graduate wiith the Highest Standing.


No application required.

Posted: May 11, 2021

The NB Society of Retired Teachers is offering an award:


1) Attending college to further studies in an education program (Example: Early Childhhod Education).

If we do not have a potential grad meeting the criteria, consideration will be given to other potential grads attending college in the fall.

No application required.

Recipient is selected by the DRHS Scholarship Committee.

Value: $100


Posted: May 11, 2021

The NB Society of Retired Teachers is offering a scholarship.


1) Interested in pursuing Education, as a career choice (if applicable)

2) A well-deserving student planning to attend university

3) 4th or 5th in line academically 

3) Financial Need

Value: $200

No application required

Recipient is selected by the DRHS Scholarship Committee.

If you are looking for a job after graduating, here is an opportunity: 


Huestis Insurance Group has a job opening for a Personal Lines Account Manager.  This is a full-time position.

The job posting is on the bulletin outside the Guidance Center. 

Candidates must be bilingual. The employer will cover all training costs for this position. 

If interested, see Mrs. C. Harquail for more information.


A Free Virtual Mental Health Literacy session on Monday, May 17th from 6-7:30 PM is being offered.


This is open to all concerned citizens.


All one has to do is click the link below to sign-up. 


Review application criteria (see attachment)

Applicant's guardian must be a member of the NB Aboriginals Peoples Council Local 18.

Attach transcript to application

Value: $100

Submit application to the guidance counselor on or before May 31st.

Posted: May 11, 2021

This is a reminder to potential Grads:

Deadlines for local scholarships are fast approaching. You should regularly check the scholarship table in the Guidance Center or the DRHS website for scholarship applications and information. Make sure you are checking deadlines, so you don't miss out.

If you have any concerns, contact Mrs. C. Harquail ~ EST-Guidance.

Review the criteria outlined on the scholarship application before applying.

Value: $300

The scholarship will be disbursed upon receipt of proof of registration at a post-secondary institute.

Attach a current high school transcript and scholarship resume to your application.

Deadline: May 25, 2021~ submit application to the guidance counselor

Recipient is selected by the DRHS Scholarship Committee.

No application required

Criteria: Attending a business program; consideration given to academic record, financial need & extra-curricular involvement

Value: $500

Recipient is selected by the DRHS Scholarship Committee.
