Posted: May 25, 2021
The following Scholarship/Bursary applications are to be submitted to the Guidance Counselor on or before Thursday, May 27th:
- New Brunswick Public Colleges Entrance Scholarship 2021
- Ron MacDonald Memorial Scholarship
- Thomas Hayes Memorial Scholarship
- AV Group NB INC. Scholarship
All other scholarships:
- Ralph Harrigan Rotary Bursary (submit by May 21st~~by mail or to the guidance counselor)
- The Donald Hamilton Award, Dalhousie Lions Club (submit by May 31st~~by mail or to the guidance counselor
- NB Aboriginal Peoples Council Local 18 (submit by May 31st to the Guidance Counselor)
- Derek Audfroid Memorial Award (submit by May 31st to Lori Johnson)
- The Catholic Women's League of Canada (submit by June 4th~~ by mail or to the Guidance Counselor)
- Port of Dalhousie Inc. Scholarship (submit by June 7th~ email to
- Contendo Training Solutions Bursary (submit by June 12th to the Guidance Counselor)
Also, there are scholarships/busaries that are to be mailed to the donor and not to be given to the schools' guidance counselor. It is important that you read the application carefully so you know where to submit and you do not miss a deadline. As information is received it will be posted under Guidance and my name C. Harquail (EST~Guidance). If you have any concerns see the Guidannce Counselor.