Open the attached file in word (either download it or open it directly into word.) You will research your assigned country and answer the question directly into the word document. When you're done, save the file and upload it to teams as your submitted assignment.
You can work on this today and Wednesday.
For this project, I will assign the countries:
Avery, you will do Sweden.
Amelia, you have France.
Daphne, yours will be Finland
Jessica, Italy
Harley, yours is Spain
Hailey, Norway
Kaylie, Denmark
Emma, yours is Poland
Grace, your country is Portugal
Ethan, United Kingdom is your country.
Ian, Swizerland
Garrett, your country is Germany
Amber, your country is Austria
Dylen, I want you to research Belgium
Jordan, your country is Holland.
Good research and have fun. If you are really stuck and need help, you can email me at and I'll try to answer as quickly as I can.
(This has been reposted from Microsoft Teams. You can submit your finished project preferably through Teams or by emailing it to me as an attachment.)