Ms. K. Harquail

Welcome to our Site. You will find your Home learning materials in the documents section. We miss you all. Stay Safe and Stay Positive.

Posted: November 29, 2020

Middle Level Feature Article Sways

My classes have been working hard creating feature articles, on a topic of their choosing; publishing them using Microsoft Sway.  Please feel free to look at their Sways and leave a positive comment of encouragement. 

Posted: October 24, 2020

HI Everyone,  

   I hope you are doing well.  This year our home learning will take place in our virtual classrooms using teams at  In September and October, we showed students how to access their online classrooms and gave them lessons in how to use the different features.  The students log in using their school log in and password.  I have attached a file below to help students log in from home.  The site / program works best if it is accessed using google chrome; so we recomment that students use google chrome when going to their classrooms and completing work.  If you have any questions, please feel free to message me.

Thank you and have a great day.

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Hey Everyone, Can you believe we are in our last week of home learning!  We really hope you have enjoyed all the activities you have been able to do over the last 10 weeks and that you have learned and improved your skills along the way.  Please remember to go to our teams site to do the final reading assignment, and participate in the online discussion.  In addition, this week I thought it would be fun to try to do a class video chat for our final conversation.  I am going to send you a link to the video chat call using our email.  Remember to get to your email, you go (using google chrome) and click on outlook.  There will be more information in the email. If you don't remember your login or password, send me a message and I can help fix you up.  I can't wait to see you all.  Have a great week and Happy Learning!

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Posted: June 3, 2020

Your Year In A Nutshell is a fun end-of-year survey for students to reflect on the year they've had.  

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Hey Everyone, can you believe it's already June 1st! I hope everyone enjoyed the outdoor activity options we included last week.  We only have 2 bingo cards left, so I hope you enjoy the activities we have included for you.  As with the previous cards, you can do as many of the activities as you want; but we ask that you try to do at least 5. You can get a bingo by doing 5 in the same row or pick any 5 squres that interest you.  Also remember to go to  our online classroom in the teams app of and complete this week's reading assignment. You did much better with last week's poem, so I have given you another non fiction article to read.  They are about some incredible women in history.  We hope you enjoy your home learning; and again please feel free to share your work with me.  I love seeing what you all are doing and miss our daily discussions.  Please stay safe and stay positive.  If you run into any problems, please contact me at 

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Posted: May 31, 2020

Week 4 of your Novel Study Assignment.  This week when you finish reading your novel, you will complete a book review using the template explained in this assignment. 

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Hey Everyone,  Hope you all had a great week of home learning, and were able to enjoy the awesome weather.  Can you believe it's already the last week of May!  The weather is suppose to be really nice again, so I hope you take advantage of some of our outdoor options.  :-)  .  As with the previous cards, you can do as many of the activities as you want; but we ask that you try to do at least 5. You can get a bingo by doing 5 in the same row or pick any 5 squres that interest you.  Also remember to go to  our online classroom in the teams app of and complete this week's reading assignment. We seem to have a hard time with the poem reading assignment two weeks ago, so we are going to do another poem this week to try and improve those literacy skills.  We hope you enjoy your home learning; and again please feel free to share your work with me.  I love seeing what you all are doing and miss our daily discussions.  Please stay safe and stay positive.  If you run into any problems, please contact me at 

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Posted: May 24, 2020

Do you have what it takes to be a logic master?  Can you conquer this puzzle?  Try out the logic grid puzzle to find out.  You can email me your response and I'll let you know if you have earned the title of logic master. :-)

PDF icon professional_drivers_competition_logic_puzzle.pdf138.39 KB

Posted: May 24, 2020

Demonstrate your understanding of the novel's plot in week three's mini plot assignment.  

PDF icon plot_mini-_assignment.pdf103.71 KB

Happy Victory Day weekend everyone!  I hope you had a fantastic week and are enjoying this long weekend.  The weather is suppose to be really nice all week, which is something positive to look forward too.  As with the previous cards, you can do as many of the activities as you want; but we ask that you try to do at least 5. You can get a bingo by doing 5 in the same row or pick any 5 squres that interest you.  Also remember to go to  our online classroom in the teams app of and complete this week's reading assignment. This week's bingo card has a lot of variety and some challenging activities to test your skills.  We hope you enjoy your home learning; and again please feel free to share your work with me.  I love seeing what you all are doing and miss our daily discussions.  Please stay safe and stay positive.  If you run into any problems, please contact me at 

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Middle Level Home Learning Activities - Week 10 (June 8th)
Your Year In A Nutshell!
Middle Level Home Learning Activities 9 - June 1st
Book Review Assignment