Ms. K. Harquail

Welcome to our Site. You will find your Home learning materials in the documents section. We miss you all. Stay Safe and Stay Positive.

An outline of the curriculum outcomes (written in student friendly I can statements) that students will work on during our Chapter 1 of our social studies class.  We do Social Studies two days a week, usually Tuesday and Thursday, during our Literacy Block  Each student in 7/8 B (my homeroom class) wrote a goal for themselves that they will try to accomplish during this unit.  

File chapter_1_student_unit_plan.docx19.87 KB

Posted: October 24, 2019

An outline of the curriculum outcomes (written in student friendly I can statements) that students will work on during our Poetry unit.  Each student in the grade 7/8 immersion class wrote a goal for themselves that they will try to accomplish during this unit.  

File grade_8_student_unit_plan.docx21.84 KB

Posted: October 24, 2019

An outline of the curriculum outcomes (written in student friendly I can statements) that students will work on during our Poetry unit.  Each student in the grade 7/8 immersion class wrote a goal for themselves that they will try to accomplish during this unit.  

File grade_7_student_unit_plan.docx21.99 KB

Posted: October 24, 2019

An outline of the curriculum outcomes (written in student friendly I can statements) that students will work on during our short story unit.  Each student in the grade 6/7 immersion class wrote a goal for themselves that they will try to accomplish during this unit.  

File student_unit_plan.docx20.84 KB

Posted: October 24, 2019

An outline of the curriculum outcomes (written in student friendly I can statements) that students will work on during our short story unit.  Each student in the grade 6/7 immersion class wrote a goal for themselves that they will try to accomplish during this unit.  

File grade_7_student_unit_plan.docx21.41 KB

This document outlines the Curriculum and Learning outcomes students are working to achieve by the end of grade 8.  They have been written in student friendly "I Can" statements.  

This document outlines the Curriculum and Learning outcomes students are working to achieve by the end of grade 7.  They have been written in student friendly "I Can" statements.  

This document outlines the Curriculum and Learning outcomes students are working to achieve by the end of grade 6.  They have been written in student friendly "I Can" statements.  

Posted: September 12, 2019

This is a quick overview of what the Grade 6/7 students will be covering this year in English Language Arts.

File course_outline_parent_letter.docx20.77 KB

Posted: September 12, 2019

A quick overview of what the grade 7/8 immersion students will be covering this year in English Language Arts.

File course_outline_parent_letter.docx20.67 KB



Setting the Scene Mini-Assignment
My Prediction Novel Study Assignment
Middle Level Home Learning Activities - Week 5 (May 4th)
Writing a good argument / opinion paragraph