Ms. D. Beckingham - Archived 09/23 Notes

Principal of DRHS


I will be away from school for the entirety of semester one. I will be back in February 2021. I will be thinking of you often! Stay safe and have a great year. See you soon.

Posted: June 8, 2020

Hi everyone. Last week of home learning! I know for some this hasn't been easy. Learning on your own is a huge challenge. I really hope next year I can have you in the same room as me, to actually do the teaching/learning the way most students need it to be. We can also do some labs!

I'm attaching one last assignment for you to try out. It's actually an end of unit test on stoichiometry that I gave in the past. Have a good week! 

File stoichiometry_test_2020.docx15.39 KB

Posted: June 1, 2020

Hey Chemistry students. Only 2 weeks left of home learning. I will upload some solution stoichiometry questions for you this week. It's the same steps as the previous week, you just need to use the solution formulas instead. Also check out Kahn Academy.

I hope you are all still doing well. Teachers are back in school this week. It's lonely without the students!

Posted: May 24, 2020

This is the last unit of Chemistry 112. It focuses on quantitative analysis and typically this unit is used to strengthen your scientific concepts and laboratory skills/techniques. It is unfortunate that you will not be able to explore the lab this year. To be succesful in this unit, you must take everything you learned in the previous units an apply be able to apply it in a laboratory setting. The questions you will be working on are application based. This week will focus on gravimetric stoichiometry.

Quantitative analysis is determining the quantity of substances involved in chemical reactions. This is useful in medicine, agriculture and industry.
Reagent: a chemical that is used in a chemical reaction.
Limiting reagent:  the reactant that is completely consumed in the chemical reaction.


Excess reagent the reactant that is left over after the chemical reaction has taken place.

Gravimetric Stoichiometry: determining mass relationships in chemical reactions.  It is a quantitative analysis.


-Mole ratio is used for stoichiometric calculations
-Clear steps to follow:
*Form balanced chemical reaction and identify what values goes with what chemical.
*Convert the given measurement into moles using the appropriate formula.
*Use mole ratio to determine the moles of the substance you are looking for in the question. (divide by what you have and multiply by what you are looking for).

           *Use molar mass to calculate mass of the substance asked in the question.


See Khan Academy assignment to read an article about stoichiometry and watch 3 videos of exmple questions. I have placed 10 questions in the document section for you to work on.

Posted: May 19, 2020

This will be our last week on the topic of chemical solutions.

2 more terms you need to know:

Solute: it is the chemical that is dissolved inside the water.

Solvent: it is the liquid that does the dissolving. 95% of the time the solvent is water making it aqueous (aq). It can also be alcohol (al). Water is the universal solvent.

Word problems on dilution and concentration of solutions.

The concentration of a solution tells you how much of the chemical is diluted in water. It is typically measured in mol/L or g/L. The formula to calculate the concentration of a solution is

C = n/V if you want mol/L This is often called Molarity (mol/L of a solution). If you are asked to find the molarity of a solution, this is the formula you use. If in a question you are given a mass (g) and need to calculate molarity, you need to do the question in 2 steps

  1. convert the mass into moles using molar mass of the chemical
  2. then calculate the molarity

C = m/V can also be used if you want your answer in g/L. This unit is not used often but does exist.

Example 1: What would be the molarity of the solution if we took 4.80 g of sodium chloride and added 75.0 mL of water?

Molarity needs to be in mol/L. We don't' have moles. Also, the volume must be in L. 75.0 mL = 0.75 L

step 1: n=m/M,  m is the mass in the question, and M is the molar mass of sodium chloride (NaCl) found on the periodic table.

n = 4.80 g ÷ 58.44 g/mol = 0.0821355126 mol (don't round off until the very last answer)

Step 2: C = n/V = 0.0821355126 mol ÷ 0.75 L = 0.10955140168 mol/L

Answer: The molarity or concentration of the prepared solution is 0.110 mol/L (significant digits)


Dilution means that you are taking a solution and adding water to it to make it less concentrated. Many chemicals in a lab are purchased as concentrated and the lab technician prepares a diluted solution for work use. This is what I do when I prepare a lab for students. You use diluted solutions in a lab.

Another example of dilution is frozen concentrated fruit juice, lemonade for instance. You can purchase a frozen can of fruit juice and then you add a certain amount of water to make a jug of juice. You dilute the concentrated solution.

The formula associated with dilution is:

C1V1 = C2V2

C is concentration 

V is volume

The 1 and 2 represent initial and final values

Example 1: What would be the final concentration of a hydrochloric acid solution that is prepared from using a 10.0 mL sample of 2.75 mol/L concentrated solution when water is added to reach a volume of 0.50 L?

  • First, units should be the same for the same variable. I will change my 0.50 L to 500 mL since the first volume is in mL. You could also do the reverse and change the L to mL. you will get the same answer in the end as long as in your formula the units cancel out.

C= 2.75 mol/L

V1 = 10.0 mL

C2 = ?

V2 = 500 mL

  • Rearrange the formula to solve for C2

C2= C1V1 ÷ V2

C2 = 2.75 mol/L  x 10.0 mL ÷ 500 mL = 0.055 mol/L

Answer: The final concentration of the hydrochloric solution would be 0.055 mol/L.

Example 2: How much of a concentrated 3.85 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution is needed to make 1.0 L of 0.5 mol/L solution?

  • This question is asking to solve for V1

V1 = C2V2 ÷ C1

V1= 0.5 mol/L x 1.0 L ÷ 3.85 mol/L = 0.1289 L

  • In a practical circumstance of a lab setting, you would not have a graduated cylinder that can measure 0.1289 L. You would need to convert this to mL to measure out.

0.1289 L = 128.9 mL

Answer: The initial amount of concentrated sodium hydroxide solution needed is 128.9 mL.

*****See Solution Unit Review sheet in the document section *******

Posted: May 12, 2020

Hey everyone. Sorry for the lateness of this post.

This week we will continue on the topic of solutions. I am attaching word problems and a solubility data table for you to use. This table is used to determine whether of not a compound will dissolve in water.

Explanation on how to use the solubility data table:

Anions are negative ions. The top row of this chart indicates possible anions in solution (eg. Cl-, S2-, CO32-, etc...) 

Below the word anion, you will see "high solubility (aq)", then low solubility (s). High solubility means it will dissolve easily in water. (aq) means it's dissolved in water (aqueous). Low solubility means it doesn't dissolve well in water. (s) means it remains a solid in water.

Cations are positively charged ions. If you go across the chart in the same line with high solubility or low solubility, you will see some the cations that when mixed with the anions on top of them in the chart, will either dissolve well in water or not.

Example 1: Take Na2S. To determine if we write (aq) or (s) after it, we look at the chart. Na2S contains Na+ and S2-. You find the negative charge first, the S2-. Look underneath it and find the positive ion. Na is in group 1 on the periodic table. So Na with S is highly soluble. After the compound, you would write Na2S(aq).

Example 2: Take Ag2SO4. Again, find the anion first. Then look under it to see where the cation fits in. According to the chart, silver with sulfate has low solubility. It will not dissolve well in water, so we write Ag2SO4(s).

Example 3: When you look at Cl-, Br-, I-, these 3 anions combined with most cations have high solubility in water (aq), except the ones on the bottom (s) Ag+, Pb2+, Tl+, etc... So AgCl(s) but NaCl(aq).

For a flame test or solution colour test, just look at teh chart to see what colour the flame would be and what colout the substance would be in solution. This is a tool to help identify what is inside a solution.

A Dissociation Reaction identifies what happens to a compund when it is placed in water. it shows whether or not the compund "dissociates" into its anion and cation. See last week's power point notes for examples.


Posted: May 3, 2020

Hi everyone. I placed for the past 2 weeks information on properties of gases. For the next 2 weeks you will learn about solutions. I assigned one video from Khan academy for you to watch this week. I also uploaded some power point slides for you to look at on here. I need to be at the school to scan some data charts (solubility, flame and colour) for you to be able to do any word problems. For now, just take a look at the video and notes. I will post again mid-week with more info for you to work on. This is a section that you may need more explanation from me. I will most likely video a lab demonstration from school if I can. Skype sessions are available if you are interested.

Posted: April 26, 2020

This week you can work on a practice sheet for gas laws. You can find it in the document section of my teacher page. There are 21 questions. This will complete the gase section. Next week we work on solutions. I can do a Skype session on Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. for those who want help. Just send me your email address so I can invite you in. Submit your work for theses sheets to me by email if you are working for credit.

Videos were assgined last week to watch if you need a refresher. Use the formulas that were given to you. They are also found below and on the sheets themselves. You will be calculating pressure, temperature or volume of gases. Remember that:

P1V1 = P2V2      P÷ T1 = P2 ÷ T2    V1 ÷ T= V2 ÷ T2    (P1V1) ÷ T1 = (P2V2) ÷ T2      


PV = nRT      n=m/M       C= V/n (for gases)


R is a constant (8.31 k•PaL/mol•K)

At STP: Temperature=0°C and pressure =101.3 kPa; c = 22.4 L/mol

At STAP: Temperature= 25°C and pressure =100kPa; c = 24.8 L/mol

Temperature in the formulas for gases must be in Kelvin: Add 273 to the celcius value to get Kelvin. To change kelvin to celcius, subtract 273 for the kelvin value.

0°C = 273 K 

Posted: April 22, 2020

Yes you can take this course as a credit.

Posted: April 19, 2020

This week we will start looking at properties of gases. You should watch this video on properties of gases (33 minutes).

Copy and paste the link. Don't worry about partial pressure for now.(last part of the video)

Here is a different video with same info with different word problem examples (35 minutes). Take notes for when you need to do the word problems.

I wlll also assign Khan Academy for this.

  1. Video: Ideal gas equation: pV=nRT (9 minutes) The R is the ideal gas constant and the number is always 8.314 kPa·L/mol·K or 0.0821 atm·L/mol·K depending on what units are used for pressure.. The T is temperatrue and must be converted into Kelvin in this formula. 0°C = 273 K. To convert celcius to kelvin, you just add 273. For example, 20°C= 20 + 273 = 293 K.  Pressure is measured in either atmospheres (atm) of kilopascals (kPa). n is moles which we learned about last week. V is volume and shold be in Litres (L)
  2. Video: Example 1 (10 minutes)
  3. Video: Example 2 (13 minutes) There is lots involved in this question. I usually break this down into sections, but he put it all together. He uses a formula from the very first youtube video given to you to watch in this section.
  4. Video: Example 3 (6 minutes)
  5. Video: Example 4 (5 minutes)
  6. Khan Academy assignment.(4 questions for this week)

Posted: April 13, 2020

This week we will focus on the mole. The mole is a unit of measurement that is probably the most used in chemistry. I always compare the explanation of the mole with a dozen.  Here goes:

One dozen = 12 items

It doesn't matter if you have a dozen eggs, a dozen cars or a dozen feathers. All are equal to 12 items. The masses of each dozen of eggs, cars, feathers are obviously different, the sizes are also different, however, they are all equal to 12 in numbers.

One mole = 6.02 x 1023 particles

So if you have one mole of hydrogen, one mole of potassium or one mole of iron, they are all equal to 6.02 x 1023 particles. The masses are different, the sizes of the molecules are different, but the number of particles are all equal to 6.02 x 1023 particles.

This number is referred to as Avogadro's number, named after the Italian scientist who developed this concept.

In a balanced chemical reaction, the number placed in front of the chemicals, what we call the coefficient, represents the moles of that chemical. For example:

     Cl2 + 2 NaBr -->  Br2 +  2 NaCl 

This is read as 1 mole of chlorine reacts with 2 moles of sodium bromide to produce 1 mole of bromine and 2 moles of sodium chloride.


Calculating the number of particles based on the amount of moles:

To calculate the number of particles of a substance, we simply multiply Avogadro's number by the number of moles.

        # particles = moles x Avogadro

Example: How many particles in 3 moles of potassium chloride?

        # particles = 3 moles x 6.02 x 1023 particles/mole = 1.806 x 1024 particles

**** Every calculator brand is different for exponents. Learn how to use yours properly. If you can't get the same answer, then please ask.****

The formula can be rearranged to find moles instead. For example: How many moles does 1.65 x 1024 particles of helium represent?

        moles = # particles / Avogadro 1.65 x 1024 particles / 6.02 x 1023 = 2.74 moles of helium


We use the mole in most chemical quantities. If you look at your periodic table, the units for the mass indicated for each element (molar mass) is in g/mol (grams per mole). This is just one simple example of how the mole is used. As you progress in chemistry, you will see it almost everywhere.


Calculating molar mass of a compound:  Molar mass is the mass of one mole of a substance. You find the value of individual elements on the periodic table. For example molar mass of hydrogen is 1.01 g/mol; aluminum is 26.98 g/mol; radon is 226.03 g/mol. TO calculate the molar mass of a compound, you just have to add up all the individual masses of the elements inside the compound. For example:

    H2O  contains 2 hydrogen and 1 oxygen.  The molar mass is (2 x mass of hydrogen) + (1 x mass of oxygen)= (2 x 1.01 g/mol) + (1 x 16.00 g/mol) = 18.02 g/mol.  This means that one mole of water has a mass of 18.02 grams.

    H2SO4 contains 2 hydrogen, 1 sulfur, 4 oxygen. The molar mass is (2 x 1.01 g/mol) + (1 X 32.06 g/mol) + (4 x 16.00 g/mol) = 98.08 g/mol. This means that one mole of hygrogen sulphate has a mess of 98.08 grams.

Molar mass in a mathematical formula is represented with a capital M and is always measured in g/mol.

Mass in a mathematical formula is represented with a lower case m and is measured in g, Kg, mg, etc...

Moles in a mathematical formula is represented with a lower case n and is measured in mol, Kmol, mmol, etc...


Using a formula to calculate mass or moles based on molar mass:


moles = mass divided by molar mass

This formula can be rearranged to find mass is moles is given in the question. m=nM (mass= moles x molar mass)

Molar mass (M) is found on the periodic table. Just add up the elements within the compound as explained earlier.

Example 1:  How many moles is 78.23 g of sodium chloride?

First, calculate the molar mass (M) of NaCl from the periodic table by adding Na + Cl = 58.44 g/mol

78.23 g is the mass (m)

n= m/M = 78.23g ÷ 58.44 g/mol = 1.339 mol

Example 2: What is the mass of 1.5 mol of H20?

from the periodic table, M of H2O = 18.02 g/mol

m= nM = 1.5 mol x 18.02 g/mol = 27.03 g

Example 3: What is the mass of 3.8 mol of oxygen?

** Here you must remember that an oxygen molecule never has only one oxygen. It is O2.

m = nM = 3.8 mol x 32.00 g/mol = 121.6 g


Using STP and SATP values of gases to calculate moles: We have seen before that STP stands for Standard Temperature & Pressure of a gas; SATP stands for Standard Ambient Temperature & Pressure.

At STP (0°C and 101.325 kPa) the volume of a gas is 22.4 L/mol.

At SATP (25°C and 100 kPa) the volume of a gas is 24.8 L/mol.

The unit L/mol (liters per mole) represents how much space a gas takes up for each mole of that gas. Imagine the size of a 2 L bottle of pop as a reference when trying to visualize the size of these gas containers. The values mentioned above are also found on the back of your periodic table (bottom righthand side). They can be used to find either the volume or the amount of moles of a gas. For the sake of this section, we are going to refer the STP and SATP values as concentrations (how much gas is in a certain contained area).

   c= v/n  (concentration = volume ÷ mole)

The formula is rearranged as follows:

  v = cn (volume = concentration x moles)

  n = v/c (moles = volume ÷ concentraion)

For this type of question, C is measured in L/mol; v is measured in L, kL, mL, etc...; n is measured in mol, kmol, mmol, etc...

Example 1: What is the volume 0.68 mol of neon gas at STP?

Look for the STP value of a gas for c

    v = cn = 22.4 L/mol x 0.68 mol = 15.2 L of neon gas

Example 2: How many moles does 5.63 L of hydrogen gas represent at SATP?

Look for the SATP value of a gas fo c

    n= v/c = 5.63 L ÷ 24.8 L/mol = 139.6 mol of hydrogen gas


Multistep calculations:  You may often need to use more than one formula to get to your final answer. You need to be able to know which formula to use for which problem.

Example 1: What is the mass of 3.49 L of argon gas at SATP?

I didn't give you a formula with mass and volume in it. However, you can first find moles and then convert that to a mass. 

step 1: n= v/c = 3.49 L ÷ 24.8 L/mol = 0.140725806 mol (never round off until the very end of your calculation. This is EXTREMELY important)

step 2: m= nM = 0.140725806 mol x 39.95 g/mol = 5.62 g of argon gas.

Hint:  Placing your units in your work will be SUPER useful in the future when questions become more complicated. It helps you figure out what the final unit will be and also helps you figure out if you are using the right formula. Units should cancel out in your calculations to leave you with just one in the end.

Posted: April 7, 2020

Hi everyone. I ask that if you have not done so already to sign up to Kahn Academy. The link can be found on "Web Links" on my teacher page. The class you enrol in for Chemistry is RC2QQQ72. If you have any questions, you can email me or ask them on the FB group chat. I assigned a small section this week to get started. I am able to see who views the videos and who tries the practice questions. I hope this works for you.

Posted: April 1, 2020

Stay tuned for instructions for home learning.