Ms. C. Harquail

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Huestis Insurance Group has a job openning for a Personal Lines Account Manager. 

See attachment for the job posting.

If you are interested in this wonderful career opportunity, see the guidance counselor for more information.  

Candidates must be bilingual.

The job posting is also posted on the guidance center bulletin board.

PDF icon job_opportunity.pdf33.7 KB

Bursary amount $1000.00

Review the application requirements outlined on the bursary application.

Submit application and required attachments to Ms. Colleen Harquail, EST-Guidance Counselor, no later than June 12th, 2021

Applications are available in the Guidance Center.

PDF icon image2021-04-26-085320.pdf240.1 KB

Scholarship amount $500

Must be a potential graduate planning to attend post-secondary education in the fall of 2021.

Copies of the scholarship application can be found in the guidance center on the scholarship table.

Complete the registration form and submit to the Town of dalhousie prior to Tuesday, June 1, 2021.



PDF icon town_of_dalhousie_scholarship_2021.pdf241.86 KB

Scholarship amount: $1000.00

The conditions and regulations governing this award are:

1) Students must be a graduate of Dalhousie Regional High School for the current year of application.

2) Applicant must have attended Jacquet River School.

3) The award is based on financial need and reasonable achievement in high school.

4) The award is tenable at any post-secondary institution including Community College or University, providing attendance is full-time.

No application is required. The recipient is selected by the DRHS Scholarship Committee.

The St. John Bosco Parish Council is offering a bursary, in the amount of $300, to a DRHS graduating student.

Priority will be given to applicants who are related to a past or present member of the St. John Bosco Catholic Women's League.

Application forms must be submitted by June 4, 2021

Please mail or deliver application form to:

Education and Health Convenor

Betty Ann Kearney

131 Edward Street

Dalhousie, NB

E8C 1P5


A candidate (student) must:
• Be a resident of New Brunswick or a First Nation community in New Brunswick;
• Be eligible to work in Canada;
• NOT be an immediate family member (spouse, children, parent, brother or sister) of the employer;
• Be a full-time student (high school - grade 12 only, university or college) in the current academic year of 2020/2021, and
• Be attending a post-secondary institution full-time in the fall of 2021 (university or college).

Steps for Students wanting to apply for SEED funded positions
1. Research job opportunities in the Employer Directory on beginning March 15, 2021.
2. Directly apply for jobs through the employer using the contact information on the job posting in the Employer Directory and go through the employers’ recruitment process to ensure a successful work placement.
3. The hiring decision rests with the employer.


This program provides students with employment opportunities during the summer break. The maximum length of a SEED summer placement is 12 weeks. In order to be considered for placements, students must apply directly to employers who have been approved for SEED summer funding. Employers approved for funding are listed in the Employer Directory at .

For more information on SEED refer to the government of NB website: 





One scholarship, in the amount of $500, shall be awarded to a graduating student of Dalhousie Regional High School.

Review the criteria and stipulations outlined in the scholarship application (see attachment). 

Applications must be submitted to the guidance counselor by May 27th, 2021.

File application_-_drhs_5.docx53.2 KB

ICT is one of New Brunswick’s largest sectors employing over 30,000 people.

NB Labor Market information is indicating that their is employment in the following careers:

  • Information System Analysts & Consultants
  • Software Enineers & Designers
  • Computer Network Technicians
  • Graphic Designers & illustrators

Check out the attachment for more information on the careers listed above- ICT Brochure Connecting youth to the labour market

myBlueprint- Planning your edcation and career the easy way.

PDF icon ict_brochure_e2988.pdf3.24 MB

The Essential Skills Achievement Pathway (ESAP) Program is an opportunity for students to earn a high school diploma that prepares them for a post-secondary education, apprenticeship or the world of work. The program consists of personalized learning opportunities that allow students to explore their skills, talents, abilities and interests while intentionally attaining the 9 federally identified Essential Skills. Proficiency in these skills are demonstrated and evaluated through problem and project based learning in the essential skills classroom, content specific courses, community experiential learning and work place opportunities. The ESAP program prepares students for the current skills based economy as well as future work, learning and life.


Type ESAP in the search option at the top of the right side of the gnb page. This will bring you to ESAP information.

The Credit Union Ltd. is pleased to offer its customers and their children the opportunity of receiving its first year post-secondary bursary. The bursary, in the amount of $500.00, is awarded each year to a customer in good standing to help defray the cost of their dependent children’s first year of post-secondary study. A bursary will be awarded annually, to an applicant who has graduated, or whose graduation is pending, from Dalhousie Regional High School. The bursary will be made payable to the successful applicant and the institution being attended and will be forwarded directly to the institution for credit against the winner’s tuition. Consideration of applications will be based primarily on financial need and secondly on academic achievement and extracurricular involvement.

Application is attached. Applications are also available in the guidance center. 

All applications will be considered by the education committee but only the successful applicants will be notified of their decision. Deadline for applications is April 30 of each year. Each bursary will be awarded at the spring graduation where applicable

PDF icon dal_english_application.pdf104.7 KB



Hugh H. MacKay- James A. MacMurray Scholarships
The Catholic Women's League of Canada, Saint John Bosco Parish Council Bursary
CUPE Local 2745 Scholarship