Mrs. Levesque-Godin


Posted: June 1, 2020

Good morning fellow students!  Here is the results of last weeks assessment (check to see how you did):  a. sexual reproduction b. both  c.  asexual reproduction  d.  sexual reproduction  e. asexual reproduction  f. both  g. sexual reproduction h. asexual reproduction i. sexual reproduction j. both  k. sexual reproduction (sorry, this was a repeat question and I just noted that after my posting).  For this week, here are methods of sexual reproduction to research:  binary fission, budding, fragmentation, spore formation, vegetative reproduction.  Once you've discovered the various forms of reproduction listed, find which types of organisms reproduce using these various forms of reproduction.  Happy learning!  Stay safe and continue to stay healthy!

Due Date: 

Monday, June 1, 2020

Posted: May 25, 2020

Week 8 of Extended Learning:  This week you are to explore the various types of reproduction (asexual and sexual reproduction).  Once you've mastered the differences between the two types, focus on the various types of asexual reproduction and how one (plants and animals) can produce a whole organism in various ways.  Then try the following assessment:

1.   Identify the following descriptions as asexual or sexual reproduction or do they belong to both forms of reproduction. 

a.       ______________________ This form of reproduction requires two parents or two sex cells to produce an offspring.

b.      ______________________ This form of reproduction produces offspring.

c.       ______________________ This form of reproduction occurs in lower organisms.

d.      ______________________ This form of reproduction occurs in more complex organisms.

e.       ______________________ This is a quick method of reproduction (quick time period to reproduce).

f.        ______________________ This form of reproduction produce offspring that grows and develops.

g.      ______________________ This form of reproduction provides more genetic variation in offspring.

h.      ______________________ This form of reproduction requires only one parent/organism to reproduce.

i.        ______________________ This is a longer method of reproduction (slower time period).

j.        ______________________ This form of reproduction uses DNA to create new life.

k.     ______________________ This form of reproduction occurs in more complex organisms.

Stay safe and healthy!  Enjoy the nice weather coming our way this week!

Due Date: 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 8 of Extended Learning at Home - Only two more weeks left to go.  This week's focus is how to Manage Your Time.  I have included a powerpoint for your review (omit the last slide).  Take note of the suggestions in the powerpoint that applies to you and how you can managed your time more effectively.  Hope you're continuing to stay safe and healthy.  Warmer weather is soon appoaching us so take advantage of putting in some "time" for some outdoor activities for a healthy mind and body. 

Due Date: 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 8 of Entended Learning.  Only two more weeks after this week for final assessments to determine if you have achieved the credit for this course.  Please see former posts on my teacher page if not sure of what to complete.  This week's assigned unit is called TIME (time on a number line and telling time).  This week should bring some nice warm weather so be sure get some time outside but please protect yourself from the sun and stay hydrated.  Continue to stay safe and healthy!

Due Date: 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 8 of Extended Learning - Two more weeks after this week before final assessments will be made for this course.  I encourage everyone to complete the units assigned (see former posts if not sure).  Last week I assigned Ratios, Rates, and Percentages Unit.  This week's assigned unit is GEOMETRY (Pythagorean Theorem).  Hoping everyone is still continuing to stay safe and healthy.  Warmer weather is around the corner. 

Due Date: 

Monday, May 25, 2020

Week 8 - Biology students, only two more weeks after this week and final assessments for credit in this course will be finalized.  Students should be wrapping up the section on Human Body Systems (7 sections within this unit) ASAP!   Warmer weather is soon approaching our area, it will surely be welcomed!  Hope you're continuing to stay safe and healthy!  

Due Date: 

Monday, May 25, 2020

This week is to continue working on the Perctages, Rates, and Ratios Unit (as assigned last week).  There are four more weeks of extended learning.  Please note all work assigned/completed on the Khan Academy will be utilized to assess your course as a credit or not.  Continue to stay safe and well!

Due Date: 

Monday, May 18, 2020

This week is continuing to complete the unit on AREA.  This unit should soon be mastered as we have only four more weeks of extended learning.  Master as much as you can.  Continue to stay safe and well!  Get some much needed vitamins from this sunny Monday today!

Due Date: 

Monday, May 18, 2020

So how are you able to manage your time?  Ironically, this weeks focus deals with why we should be managing our time and next week will be focusing on how to many your time.  I have attached my powerpoint for your review.  Continue to be safe and well!

Due Date: 

Monday, May 18, 2020

This week is a continuation of the unit HUMAN BODY SYSTEMS (there are seven lessons in this unit:  Body structure and homeostasis, Circulatory and respiratory systems, musculoskeletal system, digestive and excretory systems, nervous and endocrine systems, reproductive system, and the immune system).  There are four weeks of extended learning left.  Continue to stay safe and be well!  A see a nice walk in my near future ...    Those on a personal learning plan (PLP) your assignment is to draw the phases of mitosis using this website or other resources you have available.

For those student on a PLP, your assignment this week is to study the human heart. Research information about the human heart, find a labelled diagram of the human heart, and view videos related to the human heart.  A fascinating organ for sure!  

Due Date: 

Monday, May 18, 2020


Image Galleries

Added: Wed, Sep 20 2017


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